Unity cloud build web player vs web gl
Unity cloud build web player vs web gl

Improves scalability - Game studios will be able to pick and choose the infrastructure that serves their uptime requirements.Improves reliability - v2 gives developers the flexibility to choose the best infrastructure for their use case and avoid possible downtime while also choosing fallback options if any infra provider fails.What are the benefits of v2?ĭecentralizing the SDK will make blockchain games built with web3.unity faster, more scalable, and more dependable while also giving the community a greater ability to shape the future of the project 🌱 This puts more control in the hands of the developer by reducing dependence on an API service and allowing devs to choose their own RPC providers for broadcasting transactions. This way, actions get taken as close as possible to where they’re needed, with no servers slowing things down between the wallet and the blockchain. Instead, users can directly query the blockchain using their own local node, whether that’s through Infura via MetaMask or through a custom RPC endpoint. In keeping with that, the launch of v2 enables client-side reads and writes directly from Unity and the RPC provider of your choice, minimizing the need for ChainSafe’s intermediary APIs.īy reducing the need for interactions with the API server, the limitation on reads and writes in any one direction gets mitigated. Our goal has always been to make web3.unity as decentralized, flexible, and scalable as possible. While some of our initial decision-making was designed to get the library up and running quickly, with time, it’s become clear that a more resilient solution was needed. If the API went down, so too did the games relying on this service. The SDK could not function without this API intermediary. Up to now, when a player took an action in a game made with web3.unity, a call was made to the API server, which then either performed a read query on the user’s behalf and returned the result or formed a write transaction sent back to the game for the player to sign with their wallet and broadcast.

unity cloud build web player vs web gl

This is a new chapter for ChainSafe Gaming, and we’re excited to share all the details with our community! Here’s what you need to know.

unity cloud build web player vs web gl

In keeping with our values, we’re taking the first steps toward a more decentralized and open-source SDK with the launch of web3.unity v2.0.

Unity cloud build web player vs web gl